evolve your
practice now.
Integrate Fascial Stimulation. Integrate Essential Oils. Integrate Coaching Techniques.
I’m DANI and I look forward to taking you into the exciting world of Integral Fascial Yoga.
Integral Fascial Yoga is a fusion of all the things, methods and techniques that have transformed and enriched me and my life: yoga, fascia training, meditation, essential oils, coaching, trauma work and shamanism.
Have fun browsing, I look forward to Meeting you soon!
With LOVE, Dani

Yoga Teacher, Alternative Practitioner Psychotherapy, Pharmacist
Fascia Expert, Book Author, Essential Oils Expert, Network Marketing Leader
Are you targeting your fascia sufficiently in your yoga practice?
Get your FREE CHECKLIST and find out.

Free Meditation on Fascia
Grab your free meditation on fascia an connect deeply with your own fascial tissue.
Experience the importance of this tissue as well as what is has to do with the concept of »unity« in your own body through the sensorial capacities of your fascia.
There is a male and female version available as well as a download of the written version for yoga teachers to use it in their own classes.

Introductory Course
Take your first steps in Integral Fascial Yoga and experience the magic for yourself.
You will learn about the background, history and philosophy of Fascial Yoga, Bascis of Fascial Anatomy as well as experience the Fascial Yoga principles in 5 pre-recorded Fascial Yoga classes.
Dive Deeper now and explore Fascial Yoga. Get unlimited access to the Fascial Yoga Introductory Course.

Online Teacher Training
Bring magic to your classes with Integral Fascial Yoga.
In 18 modules you will learn the foundation of Fascial Yoga, master the execution and teaching of the 8 Fascial Yoga principles and dive deep into the anatomy and physiology of fascia.
You will receive 15 theory sessions as well as 15 Fascial Yoga sessions.
There are different options to monitor your progress personally with me.
With her detailed consideration of fascia, Daniela brings an updated, scientific perspective to the physical practice of yoga, while remaining deeply anchored in yoga tradition and philosophy. She seamlessly integrates her techniques into practice in such a way that builds beautifully upon yoga foundation.
Jessie O., Participant of Comprehensive Online Teacher Training
The Comprehensive Guide on Fascial Yoga
The Fundamental Manual on Yoga and Fascia.
Dive deep into the wisdom of fascia training and how to integrate it into your yoga practice and classes.
On 266 pages you will get a comprehensive theoretical and practical manual to evolve your yoga practice now.
Full colour print with loads of images.

“I am really enjoying the training with Dani, her approach is authentic, kind and refreshing as she speakes from a deep understanding and personal experience of the practices. I'm finding the course very useful for my personal practice of yoga and easy to intetrate into teaching too. My own students have been curious about the new ideas and additional layering of physiological and pychological weaving in of information. Some individuals having particular conditions or injuries have particularly commented on great improvements using the course techniques and fresh appreciation of why they help."
Jane C., Participant of Comprehensive Online Teacher Training